Remember When

I figured I would put up a photo of Ray Ray boy when he was a pup. He has now silvered out.
Raylan and his bros are visiting us and it's ever so fun to have them.
PS: Mac fit in like a glove - no problem. They can stay longer and don't have to go home, you know. hahahaha
Reader Comments (6)
Wow, so great to see and remember Raylan as we watched him as a pup! Such a handsome pup and adult. Breeze sends love to her brother and Chinook looked a lot like Raylan as a pup with some tan on him also.
that's interesting Darlah
I forgot about the silvering you think Scruffs will silver out.....Teaser has the silvering gene, doesn't she?
Knowing Monty, he has probably already made himself at home!
Raylan looked a lot like Mac as a puppy, but they look completely different all grown up.
Steven: They made themselves at home even better than expected right from the start. I think the familiarity helps but being crazy dawg people may too. They are more than fine. They slept well, ate well and are now chillin after a morning play session. Raylan and Mac seems to be smitten with me and Monty is a master snuggler with Nathan. They all love Dennis - quite nice to see.
Lori: Look at his roots and tell me what you see.
Darlah, the roots look black to there something else you see with a silvering gene?