What a Day

Spice didn't get her haircut - no time...
Abigail and Spice got a bath, tomorrow a visitor and Wasabi gets theirs plus Panda Bear.
I spent 5 hours grooming today, 5.5 hours in the garden pulling all sorts of things where it actually looks worse than the weeds but now we have room for growth.
It's far from done. Nathan almost killed my prized Peony tree. He did break many branches but it is still alive. He's mighty sensitive about it as he - well we won't go there.
While I was gardening we were rotating dogs outside for play. Dennis is outside in the storm picking up all my piles - joy. We have thunder and lightening but no rain yet but its coming. I hope Dennis gets done before the downpour.
I was black when I came in and boy is my body aching. It felt good to have a shower.
The dogs love the extra space. But soon everything will be overgrown and I will realize all this space is not space at all and so will the dogs.
The front and side yard is well a total disaster but dogs can't sit out front with me so when I finally get to that it will be short doses.
Oh well Dennis just came in and didn't get to finish. Tomorrow is another day. hahahaha
Now to go snuggle with the crew.
PS: I think they rather enjoy the outside more than the house any old day. They truly enjoyed playing and lounging outside most of the day. It was nice to spend the day with them outside. I just wish I wasn't doing work while they were playing or lounging. hahaha
Oh amd no hard drive yet. Maybe my neighbour got it?
Reader Comments (5)
Darlah I know that you love your garden, but gosh with the dawgs,
I do not know where you find the energy even if the garden is
screaming help me, help me.!!!.
Thanks for keeping up with the blogs, I am a total addict. I need my
Talemaker stories before my day is complete.
Kathy: That's so nice.
I think if I don't do it it doesn't get done. I need to follow Nathan's school of thought - but I am working - don't you see all the dawgs laying on me while I watch tv, okay I will go out and play and click a photo or two - Dennis can you pick up those piles? I did it two days ago and my body can't handle it.
Hmmm I need to learn me some of that. What would he do without me? Hire someone?
Darlah - Doug told me long ago - if something happens to me - he will hire a housekeeper, a cook, a gardener, a bookeeper, etc.! I've told him for decades, when he goes, all I need is a another puppy and I'll do fine! LOL (We tease each other terribly, just so you don't think we're mean.) :-)
Debi, that is toooo funny!
Oh Nathan would do that too and he would cut down the dogs hair, I am sure. I am not sure he would groom like me.