No Air Day Again

This is Lucy and Ricky (mom and Son) who went home today. They are not our dogs but we know Lucy from when she was a little thing and have always loved her personality but I think that has a lot to do with her human mom.
Ricky is still a puppy under a year old still, I think about the age of Simba.
When Simba showed up, I watched Ricky and Simba play and I truly appreciated that he is just a puppy too. Puppies simply play differently than adults. Sure they all play but there is this wild abandonment that goes on that is actually contagious. Often when a puppy plays with an adult the adult seems to lose him/herself in that puppy play and now you probably understand why I enjoy having pups around.
I have to say Simba is an amazing dog. He is loving, playful and adapts so easily. Whatever his humans are doing they are doing it right as he is so balanced, it's nice to observe.
He still remembers Momma Fiona and he has this warmness with her that is interesting.
I enjoy watching the crew.
Ty was also here today and we rather enjoy this boy. He is a Treasure boy who is another one that seems to just fit and he is a happy go lucky guy.
We have had no air still. They say we have a leak so tomorrow they come out yet again to find the leak. <sigh> I think this will be one whopper of a bill. :-(
I am hardly sleeping with the heat. The dogs are faring better than us.
They say thunder showers tonight and I may sit out in it and get soaked and go to bed that way.
Nathan is at handling class with Roxie, Panda, Lynda and her mom. Me, I am trying to play recovery.
I will be myself when I get some air or it gets cold.
Reader Comments (9)
I think Simba is such a sweetheart.....his hair seems to have grown in some and you know,it suits him. Funny how a different haircuts can reflect different personalities. I find when I groom Scruffs' mustache he looks like a totally different dog....mature and wise. When he's all messed up, he looks more carefree and mischievous.
Hi Darlah, any suggestions for dealing with car sickness, poor Tre really does suffer from it. bless his soul he does not complain but after about 15 -20 minutes he will be sick ( and that's even with skipping meals when I know he has to travel). If he doesn't vomit he will be soaked with drool. I've got him in a hard kennel, and I put it up high so that he can see out the front windshield, and I've got the window open for fresh air. Someone told me a little piece of gingersnap cookies and the ginger helps their stomach?? I just really feel bad for the little fellow.
Gerda: Sigh - yes gingersnaps can help and conditioning. Did he have the issue on the plane? There is also a med you can get from the vet that helps curb the reaction and then it makes conditioning easier. Our friend Yvonne had one of hers that was like that and she used it the first year she went to Florida. She used it the 2nd year again and now she is no longer using and she is doing well. But that's a lot of road conditioning with that drive. It's sort of like an immersion.
Simba's hair is growing quite fast. I like his eyebrows. I would like it a bit longer but that's just my personal taste. Hair does grow back and it wasn't a bad haircut just short. You can get bad haircuts. I really like that inbetween puppy cut look. I am really pleased with Simba's personality. I have cut a couple of mine short over the years just for the hey of it. It's easier and for summer when we are all busy it gives us extra time for other things.
Darlah do you know if a static strap on the vehicle will help prevent car sickness ?
Kona is 17 months old now and if he is not fed he usually does not get sick.
I try to keep him laying down in his sherpa bag. If the road is wet or there is too
much stop and go he starts licking his lips and I know he is getting ready to be
Gerda I understand how you feel. We want our little companions to
enjoy going for a ride in the car with us.
Kathy - sorry can't comment on the car sickness Kona experiences, but I plan on getting Laci a new Sherpa bag and was wondering if you could help me. (She can get out of the one we have - LOL) I'm confused as to what size to get as would like this to be the bag we always use for travel. Am concerned of having it too confining. It's been suggested a medium would be too small when she's full grown, but the large I am thinking is too big and is meant for a large dog??? Can anyone help in this regard?
Has anyone heard or used Rescue Remedy? It's considered safe for babies and as well dogs. I used it on Tia when her seizures became worse and I wanted to calm her down, and it did considerably. Perhaps Kathy and Gerda would like to check this out and hopefully get some advice from a reputable health food source. (I have myself used Rescue Sleep (made by Bach) as it's non habit forming - made from a flower. It's meant to calm a busy mind.)
Wish I understood fully why some will and some do not. I know sitting in front of the air conditioning vent helps too. I get car sick so this I know to be true.
Debi: You can add a lock to your sherpa bag. :-)
Debi, the stuff for dogs is Rescue Remedy I believe.
Darlah - Thx, that is a good idea and glad I asked. There is a little lobster clasp on the inside to keep Laci in, but it's too constricting for my likeing, so a lock to keep it shut sounds ideal.
Yes, the one for dogs (and I also think babies) is Rescue Remedy. They are easy to give as is a dropper, but the Rescue Sleep I have used is a spray. All go under the tongue so goes right into the blood stream avoiding the liver and so works quickly. I have found it to be effective for dogs and the special one for sleeping for me.
Darlah, he was fine on the plane, its just the car. I do have him in front of the vent and with the window open. I do think he is getting better as we get closer and closer to the agility field before he gets sick. I will look at Rescue Remedy and also chat with the vet. I think that because he is going further before getting ill that he may outgrow it. Would just like to make it a bit more comfortable for him as we go through the process. Thanks everyone for the suggestions.
Other than that its been cold and rainy, and the rain we desperately need. So we've been working on some shaping games to keep him occupied. Tonight he mastered standing with all 4s on a balance dome. No fear this boy :)