Lazy Day

We went to the garden centre. We got a multi-coloured hibiscus and wait till Dennis finds out it can't stay out till the end of the month. He's already asked me for a list of the plants inside so he could see which he could place out. The answer was none.
But I bought a few gerbera daises and some petunias, a tomato plants, lettuce, green beans, bok choy - tiny plants that I am going to put and see if they ever become edible or if they outlast the dogs' curiosity.
Remember some plants are poisonous. If you like those particular plants then pot them and put them up. You can still enjoy their beauty from a safe spot.
I need to repot a few plants. I am not highly motivated. I need to do a lot of things but I am in a funk. It's that inbetween stage where I know nonstop work is coming so I need to get a lot accomplished but not today - rain is coming or so it looks like.
That's okay. I may lay on the couch and play with some dawgs and chill and maybe I will actually fall asleep. We shall see.
Right now the dogs are trying to get me to hand them a chip or two. They do look adorable trying.
Some days it's just a good thing to do!
PS: Be still my heart. Wasabi is full out playing with her daughter, Spice. Did I have a camera - well yes but did I pick it up? No!
Reader Comments (6)
Darlah, you amaze there any living thing on this earth that you don't take care of? Between humans, canines, and plants, how do you have any time left to breathe? I shake my head in awe :)
Lori - I know! I swear the Potechin's have 36 hour days over at their house. I just want to know how they arranged to get that! :-)
I want to do NOTHING, Lori. It never works out that way. I didn't groom though today other than washing Jlo who came out fabulous. I have a technique of nonstop brushing while drying and the hair comes out silky. Your hand gets carpal tunnel though. hahahaha
Debi, I think Darlah has some magic elixir....if we bottle up all that energy and sell it, we will be rich and famous! What do you think?
I washed Scruffs today!
Yes, I'm crazy, but I just took him into the shower and then when he was washed, Roger helped him towel dry while I showered myself. Then he gave Scruffs treats while I brushed and blow-dried him. So today, he was the Fluffster instead, hehehe
I got a card fom Scruffs (in Roger's handwriting, of course) and a gift too! Roger insists Scruffs picked it out by pawing at the computer screen.....that's his story and he is sticking to it! It was an amazing day. I did not rest though. Between visiting our moms, laundry, shopping, and bathing Scruffs, I'm pooped :-(
I clearly need Darlah's magic elixir!
Can't wait to snuggle up with Roger and will be a good way to end the day!
Lori: Glad you had a good day. My issue is I only have this window between now and Fiona's delivery that I have to get too many things done.I have weeding, a closet to clean, an office to clean, a table to sand and stain and the list goes on. We are busy every single weekend till Fiona would be due. Lets see we have a show for Roxie, Pawsway, Woofstock, Nathan goes to a breeding seminar all day for 2 days, a bat mitzvah. I am back to exercise - goal of 10lbs so I can fit into that Bat Mitzvah dress. Sometimes I wish I could be Nathan - tired and watching tv and saying nice job but then he has me.
Lori - yes! If we can only learn the secret and patent it - we would be rich for sure! :-) I'm quite sure Scruffy did pick out your gift. He's very smart after-all!
Darlah - I see there is a new brush out (for human hair) that looks like a large paddle brush w/ bristles (for lack of a better description) made out of shammy. It's supposed to take 60% of moisture out of the hair so blow drying is greatly reduced. I'll see if I can google it for you to look at. It would be great if they had one for dogs! However, perhaps you like to start from wet . . .