Puppy Fun

Molly is over for an overnighter and she was having a grand time with the pups. We picked Molly up from her house and she was delightfully pleased that she had all this crew to play with her.
Her mom and dad are coming at noon tomorrow after she gets a bath. Good thing I have 2 dryers as one bit the dust today. I am so upset but I also have a crate dryer so I will use that on one side and the stand one on the other. We will figure it all out. Last time I had to have a dryer fixed it took me 6 weeks. By that time I can air dry them as it will be so warm. hahahahaha
Molly is a Kat and Wasabi pup. She looks a lot like Kat to me in this photo. She came in full of life as if she was in a candy store and all the candy was for her.
It's delightful to watch.
Today we went to the show and tomorrow I have Molly to bathe and I need to play catchup on grooming. I had planned on washing Fiona but we shall see how this dryer situation works out.
I was unhappy about the dog show. Usually it is much larger and more vendors. But as Nathan said we still managed to spend money.
We got chicken strips, liver treats, a pad for one of the crates from Bowser as I couldn't resist giving them comfort and Suzie and Helen brought us this bed for the pups. It's so cute! They adore it and its large enough for all!
Best part is going to the Tim Hortons afterwards to chat with Helen and Suzy. We don't get to see them enough.
Reader Comments (16)
Molly is beautiful and yes I agree the face of Kat.
I have to agree that while I tried my best to get all out of this show it seemed scant in my opinion. Not enuf vendors. I got some useful things and the one I value most was the glove to dry your dog off. We will see how that works, but I think it will be good. I also got treats (Benny Bullets because I know you use them) which was a hard thing for me since my last couldn't have treats of any kind, except what I cooked her, so I am way out of touch on that level. I wanted to purchase shampoos, but felt it best to stay w/ what you know works best w/ your dogs and their coats and didn't notice those vendors there. Will do a K9 purchase soon. Also got a wooden brush which I realize is superficial, but thought it would be good for light grooming and to let the little ones try to groom. Still, it was a good day - fun! Also, I have so much already do didn't have much on my list.
Molly is a beauty!!! Have to agree with both of you. Mark and I were very disappointed re the show. I did not find anything I wanted. I wanted a tunnel and a special little collar. Neither were there. Even the presentations weren't as good as last year. Oh well. Will have to get out and shop sometime this week to get set up for the puppy. Getting more and more excited, if that is possible. Take care and see you Friday !!
Deb: The wooden brush did you get it from Pet Empire? They love it me not so much. It's a personal thing. He only had his pet people stuff at the show. I asked him for a product and I will have to get it from him at a meeting this week as he belongs to the same kennel club as we do. We give you some shampoo and conditioner so you are good to go for a bit.
Jane: Not even trinatural was there (Fromms) and neither was a number of vendors but there is always woofstock. :-)
Love this post,
The face holds a lot of Kat in the features and expression.
I love Kat and love the features he passes on to his pups.
He has such a loveable hugable face.
Give him a hug from me.
We also went to the show, we thought it could of been better. However we bought two beds and a mat from Bowser for Lucy! The breeds we saw were certainly gorgeous (but not as beautiful as Havanese :D) We too still need to get shampoo and conditioner from K9 Grooming Supplies, but do you have to get them online or can you find them at a retailer? Also, what products would you recommend for our pup? Thanks
Darlah - yes the brush is from Pet Empire. I tired it on the sample rug (hehe) and asked to try it on their Havanese, which I did I thought it was an OK brush if your dog was already in near perfect condition - no worries of hurting the puppy and as I said an OK tool for children to use, so why I got it. I would also use it as a quick touch up and perhaps a daily tool to get pup used to grooming - for when the real stuff starts! :-) I really liked that glove - did you see it - to dry your dog off? Had 2 thumbs for whatever hand you usel I also got to see those mats I ordered from TSC. I got a very good price and think they will be good - perhaps better for heavier humans than light dogs, but still a good thing! Loved seeing those little ponies! Real beauties!!
That was Rebeccas Havanese that was there who has the coat from hell and she loves that brush. She cut her dog down after showing due to the density. Never saw a havanese with such a thick coat. I don't like the results I get from the brush. I don't find it gets to all the coat as the tines are too far apart. But I say you have to use it and decide. We all like different things. She says that it also reduces static but it didn't do it for me. I find grooming spray is the only thing that does that. But Rebecca gets miffed at me when I say I don't like it. I am an opinionated soul and I do enough grooming that I have a right to my opinion. But I also appreciate that some *do* like it and I hope that is the case for you as they are pricey as all dog brushes are.
Each brush serves a different function. I bid on a brush off the rescue auction and won. I wasn't going to touch it as it has a Havanese photo burned into the handle but after washing Logan, spraying with Panegenics grooming spray and felt the tines and went hmmm stiffer and tried it and it worked well. This brush is so pretty I wanted to just keep it and look at it but now it is functional at least for Logan so now I have to save my pennies and get another so I have one I can stare at. ROFL Ashley Craig makes them. See http://greyhoundcomb.com/cart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=21&products_id=12 to see what I mean.
I didn't see the glove but I am concerned with one. I will tell you why. If you dry even with a towel back and forth you create mats/knots. When I wash I place a towel on the coat and hold it in place to get it to soak the towel with the excess water. There are Shammies and special towels that work VERY well. The best ones I got from k9grooming one year but I am not sure he even sells them anymore as it soaked up so much water that it made drying MUCH faster and then spraying with Show Sheen will make it dry fast as well. If the glove allows you to hold the hair in place and soak up the excess water without rubbing it may work but a towel that is designed to soak out the water will work better but never rub or you will create knots and work for yourself and I truly believe in reducing work. Now on a golden the glove even with rubbing would work. Goldens have a natural coating that holds in water. It takes so long to dry a golden so rubbing the hey out of it combined with the natural coating on each cuticle you don't usually create knots with such movement. But that's just my experience. By the way a shammy or these towels placed under the feet when drying wicks the moisture away. That's a great tip for reducing feet drying. It really works. So if I want to dry a dog fast I use one of these towels on my grooming table and another one to soak the water out of the coat by gently holding in on the coat in various positions till I covered the whole coat. Takes less than a couple of minutes. I just looked at K9 groomings site and yes he still sells them. http://www.k9groomingsupplies.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=7&products_id=449 Soak them in ice cold water and put them on your neck out at the pool and you stay cool too. hahahahaha
If you want cheap, and I did this at first I bought one and used it to dry and used shammies bought cheaply at many places for the grooming table to wick the water off the feet. These work better but I didn't invest in mine at first. I tried, I used other options and ended up getting a couple of more. I do know a friend of mine bought hers in the states cheaper and they too work but not as well but almost. For what she does with them they are good enough and I suspect that would be the case for 95% of people. Me, I am always looking for easier and reducing my time. With one dog you are not going to feel it like I do. An extra 10 or 15 minutes is just that but times that with the dogs that I do and well I could sleep for an extra couple of hours and that gets important too.
Kathy: I am going to put up a photo of her after her bath and wet I saw Kat with a hint of Wasabi. It was interesting as she looking more like Wasabi when younger. I love the silvering gene they both pass on. Funny she recognized Wasabi immediately and its been sometime. Wasabi did play with her but everyone did as she was so full of fun and life. She was contagious.
Darlah - the glove is not intended to dry the dog after bathing, but is microfibre and is supposed to whisk away wet from rain or snow. Also, dry feet and in between toes, etc. The young woman that sold it to me did tell me to wipe down in one direction. It remains to be seen if this sops up wet any better than a good old fashioned towel. However, whenever my girls came in wet from rain and snow, I would do the feet, belly and back and then they would take a jump and do the "shake" and water or snow would spray about 3 ft in all directions. :-) So, I was taken in by the claims that this works well. As the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't . . . however . . . time will tell.
Darlah - I do like the shammy idea . . . for puppy and me! Always looking for ways to stay cool!!! :-) The gel packs at the show were very tempting - if they had of been cold, I would have bought a few. Doug got off easy Sat because it was so hot and humid in there that when he said, let's go, I said OK!
Thx for the tip re the shammies - I will add them to my K9 shopping list!
You know Helen and Suzie bought those pads. Years ago when we went to Hong Kong we saw them then and finally they are out in the market here. The instant hot is great when you are in need but I am like you I would want cold.
The dirt tracking mats you got sounds mighty interesting and I bet they will work great. I need a pile of them. Training them to come in and stand will be easy with 1 too but with many, fat chance.
PS: the Poochie Bells that you sent mail about let others know where you found them. They may be interested. For those that don't know what they are, heck out their video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTnOiIlU0DI
Darlah: I just purchased the "Poochie Bells" from TSC. If anyone is interested in these, they can be purchased at The Shopping Channel or call 18882020888. Item#622515. They range from 22.50 to 26.95. A popup from Price Gong came up starting @ 8.99, but I am not comfortable w/ them. TSC also have a video. I like this method for training . . . however, will let you know how we do. :-)
As for the dirt tracking mats, they may not work well w/ such light dogs and Darlah, if you did manage to train all your dogs to do that, it would be a hit on You Tube for sure! LOL All that said, the kids and one big kid not only track in dirt, but will come in soaking wet from the pool. Do you think I'll be able to get them to stand still long enuf to dry off? :-) I think my puppy may be easier to train than them!!!
We got a pair of poochie bells from Our Dog and Co. They are so handy and we can't wait to use them.
Speaking of the dog show - did anyone see the woman w/ the dog that looked just like her owner? I couldn't get over it! I believe it was the Humane Society booth but am not sure on that. She held her dog close to her face and so I told her, "Your dog looks just like you!" She didn't respond like she appreciated that, but I think she did because she went on to say many tell her - and the face to face holding told me she does want people to notice. Cute!