Insight As We Experience It

I want you to laugh. This was Risa just brushed - yes just brushed rolling up a storm. I love a grandma that knows how to have a good time.
I just looked at her and shook my head and said so much for grooming.
Risa is going on 11. To Nathan she will always be 10 or less. I get that. She still runs around, flirts with Phantom's dad Mugs and I mean full out flirts with him. Just because you are older and spayed doesn't mean you can't have fun. I can't think of life without this gal quite literally.
When our dogs get of an age or have to be let go as it is needed, I am the one that takes that drive alone as the guys in my life can't and I cry myself all the way home and then pretend I am strong for them. But I am hoping she has another 6 years to fill my life with joy. If Nathan says she is 9 or 8 or even 7 just smile as he just thinks if you make them younger they will be with us much longer. That's okay. I get that!
Sometimes I think she is a teenager again the things she does and that makes me happy. In all her life thus far she has only had one of those harmless growths that had to be frozen off that they get like our skin tags and it only had to be frozen off as it kept getting caught in the brush. Other than that she had a blocked anal gland when we put her on a food that didn't agree with her. She carries a bit more extra weight than she did when she was younger - don't we all but she loves, jumps and last battery of tests the vet said you would swear she was still 2 years old.She still has all her teeth and still ADORES food as much as I do.
She is my no nonsense gal. When Wasabi had her first litter she went into the whelping box, sent Wasabi out and cleaned up the babies. It wasn't that Wasabi was doing a bad job but she wasn't doing a Risa job and Wasabi actually learned. Risa continued this tradition with each new mom. One wonders if she will do the same when it comes time for Spice, Roxie and Panda.
She doesn't have the patience for the pups climbing all over her anymore. She rather likes them before they are into trouble and after they get older. I guess that is true of some humans too.
Wasabi will get spayed next month probably around the time we do an ultrasound on Fiona and her hair will grow back. She will be off chasing squirrels and I wonder if she will help the new moms. Time will tell.
When I see the Havanese laying and sleeping in contentment or rolling around like a banshee, well that's what the Havanese are truly about. From young to old I love all the stages I just wish they never end.
Reader Comments (20)
Beautiful blog about your girls and the stages of life that they (& we) go through along with them ... the joy they bring is unexplainable ... I feel we are the lucky one to have them in our lives ... I wish many, many, years of good health to all your brood!
Thank you, Angie. Something special about them at each stage of their lives. I just love them!
Definitely right Angie/Darlah. Roger and I are happier than ever having Scruffs in our life. We can provide him with all the necessities of life, but he gives us way more than that. He gives us a sense of purpose, a way to alleviate the stress of everyday life, and the kind of unconditional love that only he can give us. .He's cute and little and that's a lot of fun now. But I'm also looking forward to the love and strong relationship that comes with time. I think he takes care of us more than we take care of him!
That was very well said Lori. I think you may be an old soul, even though young in years. For sure, each stage is wonderful and and has it's rewards. I'm glad you're enjoyine the moment!
Darlah, this blog brought tears to my eyes and touched my heart.....may your Risa live a long, long healthy life and continue to bring you such happiness..
Thanks for your thoughts about Risa. All the pups keep her young and give her
a purpose. She has a big loving family and will live for years and years.
She will love looking after Spicey's babies when they come.
As I type Risa is full out playing with Logan on the pool cover. Nathan ran in to tell me to look. So cute - as if she is a puppy.
For those that looked at Fiona's blog what do you think of the Mugs when he was a young thing?
Mugs looks amazing as a pup. That;s the most chocolate I've seen on any pup and that white ring around his neck and up the back of his head us just so unique to me.
It's hard to believe it's the same dawg in the other picture of him ! What a handsome boy he is!
I have always felt that I owe it to my faithful, loving , furry child to be there with them to the end. I did not want to upset her/him by letting them see my tears so I maintained by composure until the deed was done and then.................
I would need at least two days off work. It just rips your heart apart but when the time comes, we have to be able to let go so there's no more pain and suffering. I have always been glad to have loved and lost then never loved at all.
Couldn't keep my composure last night so left a comment for today. Darlah, that was very well spoken, as I "felt" every word in my heart & soul. I remember giving Tiffy permission to go every day, if she was ready, but it appeared she would never make that decision herself. Then we had to when she began to feel pain. I have to be there too to let them go. You want to know they are gone and gone peacefully, so you know they will be in good hands to the last second. Tia died in her sleep. I discovered her in the middle of the night. It felt odd not being able to say good-bye to her and it bothered me for some time. I did however, have the opportunity to lie w/ her for many hours. I clipped some hair and gave her one last brushing and we took her favourite stuffed bear, that we called "her baby." Darlah, I agree, men are different when it comes to our furry children, b/c I remember Doug wanted to take Tia to the Emerge Clinic at 3 AM. I gave him one of those looks as I asked what he thought they could do to help her? Yes, humour comes out at the oddest of times. He was so good though, as he asked what he could do to help and I asked him to take all of her things and give them away or pack them so I couldn't see them. I also asked him to shovel all her footprints out of the snow, b/c it would be too painful to see them. He did everything he could to help. After we took her for cremation, we told Tia and Tiffany stories for the rest of the day. :-) We knew she was finally w/ her big sister on the other side of Rainbow Bridge.
Irma: Yes they do change so much but yes, he is a nice boy. They should throw very pretty pups. First connection today.
That are such cute photos of Risa and Wasabi. Risa seems to still have some puppy in her! I like the photo of Wasabi, she has quite the happy look on her face.
Darlah: I have no doubts: Fiona + Mugs = adorable pups!
Fiona's pups have the most beautiful eyes - just like her!
Well I have started updating the Fiona blog again seeing she is connecting. Life is never dull. :-)
Debi: Thanks - I think she has gorgeous eyes too.
PS: Tomorrow on Fiona's blog I will post before and after photos of Simba. It appears he got his first haircut and the gal didn't understand what a trim was. When she went to pick him up she didn't recognize him and the only saving grace is the hair grows. Who knows - it may be cute - just different and if it isn't it just tells you that they are still your dog underneath that and just like human hairdressers - groomers are all different. But even with a bad haircut I can't imagine Simba not being cute.
Darlah - funny the topic of hair cuts came up today. As you know I had a chat w/ my previous groomer of both Tiff and Tia. I told her I would bring her in to show her how I liked Laci at her best. She told me to take a picture and bring it in. And, when I said I would bring her in to show her, she repeated in more detail . . . bring a picture, I can't remember all my puppie's haircuts, so if I have an ideal photo, I'll aim for that every time. She's very straight-forward and you gotta love that - you know what you're dealing w/ and less happenstance for miscommunication.
Darlah, when you see Scruffs tomorrow, don't think I'm crazy.....I always trim his paws a bit when I'm cleaning up the pads otherwise they get filthy in our construction zone of a neighborhood! The very last time, Roger wasn't there to help and Scruffs was all over the place so it's all uneven. Oh well, I did my best :-)
Well you actually like them slightly uneven so they look natural and that;s why after cutting we usually use thinning shears. We were practicing down with him and we only managed 1 down. He's like our Kat and Treasure. Nathan couldn't get him to stay down. Me, I only got it once and it was a fast one. Will continue to try.