Snowballs a Coming

I don't know about you but wow the dawgs are getting snowballs all over them. Maybe it is time to put some snowsuits on....nah.
Phantom tends to get them on his face as he sticks his face right into the snow and shakes off as if I never brushed him. Gad I love this boy. Risa knows this trick too.
Remember spray silicone spray before going out if you remember and brush the coat or put on coats with legs or just brush or wet them off. You want to brush or you can get knots if just let to dry in.
Reader Comments (3)
Wow, looks like you got your wish for snow finally! Just when I thought winter was going to come and go without it.....hope thy are all enjoying being out there :)
What is it about dogs? Katie too loves to bury her face in the snow and then shake. She always comes in for outside with a snowy face.
My doggies were 13+ yrs apart, so never knew one another, but they both would roll snowballs in the snow and when they came in there was always a little tuft of a ball sitting atop their nose! Then I would proceed to rub all the snow off of them and pick the bits of snow from between their pads and then they would run a few feet and shake, shake, shake the snow all over the place! LOL Now that's how to get the snow off! This time around, I'm going to teach this new one to "shake outside!" Shake off the snow" will be the the new phrase in this house during winter months. I'll let you all know if I succeed! :-) LOL