Fun Times & Play

No time to post tonight. The crew had a ton of fun. Just going to add a few of the photos up so you can see.
Unfortunately Nathan is still recovering from his food poisoning so he is not his usual self but we still managed to have fun.
Reader Comments (7)
Glad to hear that Scruffs had such a great time with his buddies Ty and Cooper, and that Roxie is no longer giving him the cold shoulder!
Thanks for the great pictures Darlah! The Coop looks like he is having a real good time. Didn't realize Ty and Scruffs were there as well. Party time for all of them!
Anne: Ty and Scruffy was here yesterday and they had a grand time. I have to get photos of it but he is playing in an amazing fashion with Jeannie in a BIG way. Got him brushed out this morning - took a bit) but I suspect he will need another tonight with all this play. He is having over the top fun but hey that is usual. Throw Scruffy and Ty in and they were having a blast.
While we were eating breakfast (who knew so no camera in the kitchen) Jeannie and Cooper were literally rolling over and over with Jeannie rolling along with him in play. I have never seen this small and this bigger playing in such a fun way. You couldn't tell that Jeannie was smaller other than visually as they played as if they were 2 bigger dogs. It was truly wonderful. If I manage to keep my video camera with me, if they do it again I will capture it as it is truly priceless.
Showed him the Treasure pups and he was so excited - funny - eh? Going to try to get him visiting with them when Dennis wakes up and the pups come out to play.
PS: The book you gave us and cookies - wow but the blankets as well the pups are MIGHTY comfie as they are so soft. Your book has made the rounds with every family member that has come in. Nathan was still recovering from his food poisoning or I would have thought to show it to Lori and Roger - will next week. What a GREAT and memorable idea! Now we have a book to show all our puppy people too. What a journey!
Lori: Roxie is back being smitten with him and really there is something there as he gives her these faces. Wasabi has always had Kat as her special guy. No matter what happens she always gets in his face, kisses him and drives him crazy. But Kat really likes it too. I think of their relationship similar to Roxie and Scruffy. They do have a bond. Not sure where it began but it is there.
Happy Hanukkah to all. Nathan may not want to eat chicken for awhile.
Enjoy your visitors.
Kathy: ROFL!! He actually bought me chicken tonight and didn't get any for himself.