Down Day

We are truly having a low key day.
Scruffy came in the door with a mad flurry of fun and now he is just enjoying vs. playing hearty. After relax time I am sure the crazy play will begin again but until then I can update you on the blog.
Simba is always fun, fun and more fun and his best pals are recently Zoe and Cody. With Simba - each time we see him it changes. He seems to find the fun in everyone much like the Scruffster.
Nathan is off to the specialty. His plane will land anytime and then they have to drive to Abbotsford. I am envious but look forward to hearing all about it.
I hope Ms. Panda survives the plane ride. I am sure she will but Nathan tends to be the mother hen so I doubt he will rest. :-)
Reader Comments (3)
Glad Scruffs got to play with Simba today. He really has a blast playing with him. He is so tuckered out right now.....good job!! We will all get some great sleep tonight and maybe he won't want to wake me up at 6 am to play chase Scruffy! :)
So did he wake you up for chase, Scruffy? <ducking>
Thankfully, he just crawled into my lap for "chew my toy" time instead and I slept in until 7 am!!!