Fun Crazy Busy Day

It was a busy day today filled with a lot of chatter and dog play. I think Roger's smile says it all.
Here I am doing the blog late. I didn't get the xpens ready for the Teaser pups or Treasure's impending pups. Oh my - well tomorrow is another day.
I didn't get enough photos of Kobe - got tons of Scruffy and Simba - not enough of Colby and Ringo but I realized I was just clicking on the pool cover for the most part so I apologize. I did get some - just not like the play monkeys in the middle of the pool cover.
Did manage to get Cha Cha playing after some left.
Here are the photos. Now can I go to sleep? Oh yeah - got to finish the other blogs.
Reader Comments (6)
Great picture ... Roger looks so happy and relaxed :)
My goodness, Simba looks like he's having a great time! Luv seeing him so happy and enjoying the other dogs company. I know he's going to be in good hands at your place. Being neutered didn't slow him down at all; he's actually wanting to play more! He does insist on hugging and kissing anyone who enters the house which is mostly appreciated by our guests. Enjoy the week!
Great day and great photos Darlah. We had lots of fun and so did Scruffs.
Good to see so any familiar faces and to see how all the pups have grown and changed! Thanks so much for having us :)
Simba as you can see was immensely enjoying himself. He is tuckered out now. Me too as Terra rolled in poo on her walk (thankfully no one else did) and guess who just finished washing and drying her? It's bloody 10:15 at night. Can I cry?
Darlah, thanks so much for having us. Brie and Colby had a wonderful time. Colby was not as energetic as Brie but seemed happy to be there. We always love love love visiting you and the dogs. It is so much fun. The pictures are great. I enjoyed going through them all. Try to get some time to yourself before Nathan leaves and Treasure has some little treasure of her own. Love seeing Spice but I agree, she is not her usual self. I hope that all comes back after she has her puppies. Love Spicy!! Take Care and I was serious about coming to help best I can if you need.
Jane: I think Colby is opening up each time. Not only is Brie good for him but he is better each time he gets exposed. It proves to me how important regular socialization truly is! He has made huge improvements over the first time he was here. I am so glad those 2 are a team. They truly compliment each other.