Busy Day

We are having a busy day today. I have dogs to wash - got one more to do today. Nathan is taking a nap. He seems to daily. I wish I could. :-)
I had a hard night as Abigail wanted her pups and although her pups did well, Abigail was restless and kept me up. That is the norm when they first make this transition.
I am taking a day off from photos as tonight Panda and Jeannie go to handling class. Jeannie won't walk around as she doesn't have her shots but will stay in my arms and soak in the ambience and maybe with a towel will try out the table. We shall see.
I have to finish grooming everyone, taking them out to play for the x number of times today and finish my blogs. So forgive me - but this is a no photo day across the board. We are still having fun. We just are extra busy and that's okay as the dogs deserve every bit of energy I can muster.
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