Wasabi's Haircut

Seriously she had one! Okay she refused to keep her hair out of her eyes. Her hair looks healthier after babies. It's long but easy care.
Her paws are all neat and hey I think she looks gorgeous but I rather enjoy dawgs being dawgs and not a princess.
I will try to get a better shot when I am feeling better but she feels wonderful as she always does after a bath.
Reader Comments (6)
Molly thinks Mom looks great and hopes the human feels better soon.
Risa and Wasabi look fabulous. Glad that you left it a little longer as they both have such beautiful hair. Hope that you feel better soon.
Take care
Gerda: Thanks...rain rain and more rain so they will look like the x dragged them in in a day or two no matter how much grooming I do. Looks like Air Canada survived the possible strike. Are you home now?
Susan: Chicken soup for the soul. I will have to send Nathan out to get some tomorrow.
Yes, got home Tuesday night after an action packed week of catching up with my family and cheering on my nephew (11) at his equestrian show and niece (15) at her hockey game. Oh yeah and quality cuddles with Sydney the Labradoodle...
Have to brag a little about our weather, not often we're expecting high 20's in October. Wooo Hooo
high 20s - I am jealous though not bad here not quite that good. Though I am not spemding much time outside other than walking dogs and playing with them. Hoping I feel better tomorrow.