Snip, Snip

I may be cutting Risa into a cute puppy cut. What do you think?
Have I lost my mind? Every once in a blue moon I do this to Risa and Shoshi and it all grows back. Yes, it is winter that is coming but believe me they will have plenty of hair by the time the white fluffy stuff comes.
Reader Comments (9)
I vote a big YES. If you're doing Risa, you may as well do Shoshi too! :P
Yep ...I hear you...although you are not the kind of person that needs her doggies to be short....Penny just got her fall cut...she is one inch long with the exception of her little face...she is happy and full of beans...Would Risa enjoy the difference...??? She might get a little more active...eheheh but only the owner has the right to that call....
Risa is Risa not matter how she is cut....
Deb: I am going to take Risa down to val so we shall see what we end up with. I don't want her head hair touched, just the body as head hair comes in real slow and I have this dream of showing her in veterans in 2 years. I could show her next - she was old enough this year but the specialty is in BC so I have tons of time for it to grow back. :-) Love to see pics of Penny!
Yes, Shoshi needs it in a big way but Shoshi looks so funny short as she has ticking (black spots all over the place). It isn't pretty.
You have to post the pictures of Risa with her new harido!
How short is short? Does Val use scissors or a razer when creating the puppy cut ?
I want short about a tad longer than Truffies and she will use scissors. :-)
I would love to see what one of your dogs looks like in puppy cut - how do the pros wear it?
We will be doing it sometime this month. We have Treasure, Nathan showing in Sudbury etc so haven't figured out the timing yet.