Let the Games Begin

We had a lot of visitors drop by today and no one swam except Breeze who jumped in like her Dad and now Truff does. Oh my.
When we invite people over we say come for a swim but no one seems to take us up on it. It's just a Dawg visit, you know.
It was wonderful to see Mia's parents but I didn't get to say goodbye as Breeze felt the pool was simply inviting and off I went to dry her.
But we also had our daughter and son-in-law come up to take the kids out to the mall to give this old granny a break and they get to see them.
Fiona had a bath today and I let her air dry without brushing till the end. I folded laundry while I stood and watched and put more laundry in etc. She just stood there with the breeze drying her coat while I looked on. I can do this with her as I am standing at the grooming table (my grooming area is in the laundry area) and she stands there waiting for her treat.
How do I know? That tongue darts in and out saying - hey lady TREAT TIME!
Well, off to wash a dawg and relax or maybe not.
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