Windy Messy Times

Wasabi is a funny duck or is that dawg? She has excellent structure, very agile, mischievous and very independent. She's the dawg that comes to snuggle at night then finds her own place on the bed but when she is pregnant she snuggles much longer and becomes suckier.
She is also the dawg that teaches the pups how to investigate the backyard and gain confidence in doing so. She has the silkiest hair but after bathing she often rolls and gets herself messy again as you can see here.
She is a gal with strong maternal instincts and this is her very last litter. Our Spice is from her. With a bounce in her step and a level of confidence and excitement, she is her mother's daughter. Sure we cultivate it but that base is there. We are who we are due to genetics, environment and what we are exposed to via socialization and conditioning.
There's nothing like the Havanese.
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