
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

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Handling Class for Spice

The Spice had another bath. I am conditioning her to getting used to frequent baths. Why? Well, at show time you get washed daily most times. So the more she gets washed, the more she gets used to it and a clean coat knots less and stays in better condition for the show. It's not something I advocate for a non-show dawg. I am washing her about once a week. That's a lot more than necessary - believe me.

Spice is off to handling class tonight to learn how to not go off to play with evryone and anyone when you are supposed to be doing conformation.

We shall see where that goes.

PS: Abigail and Wasabi is acting way preggie. No eating in the morning but making up for it at night time.

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Reader Comments (5)

She's so cute! How often do you recommend bathing a non show dog? I can tell the difference in Sophie's coat since her bath. She always feels soft but she is so much silkier since her bath.

She did great at the vet, never made a peep with her shot. She had a little bit of an upset tummy coming home, but she ate all of her dinner and now she's curled up on the couch with me. These are my favorite times for sure.

Oh, and guess what? She is a whopping 6 LBS!!! She has doubled her weight since her first vet visit with you in March. The vet says she's right on target. I am curious as to how she compares with Ty and Kona. I know she was the smallest...the petite female. I can only imagine how much they weigh.

May 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKaren & Sophie

Karen: Bathing is up to the individual. But I usually do every 2 to 3 weeks max. Too often robs it of its oil but with a high quality shampoo, you have less of that. Some of the high quality restructure/mositurizing you can wash more often. This is a common question but it really depends on the elements. If its muddy, rainy, they will get dirty faster. But if it's sunny, dry etc you could probably go 3 weeks easily. If the coat starts to knot or mat, well, it's time. If it feels like it has residue, it's time. If it looks dirty, it's time. Some help, eh?

I will ask the siblings how much they weigh. But Raylan who was the largest of his crew is approx 10lbs. He's from Abigail. You never know. Genetics as they are, you can have a small Mommy and Daddy and a larger child. Or you can have a smaller one but I do know Treasure's pups do their growth spurt early on and stop where Fiona's are slow, steady and grow later. Truffie is 4lbs and he looks like a tiny thing to me but he is 18 days younger.

PS: I wash like I do cause I like the way they look and feel when clean. But that's just me. Give Sophie a hug, will you?

May 17, 2011 | Registered CommenterDarlah

Thanks Darlah! Hugs are a guarantee!!!!

May 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKaren & Sophie

Ty weighed 7 pounds on April 26th but he was always the bigger pup. The vet said he was fine. People who pick him up don't think he weighs that much. I don't own a scale so can't double check. His next visit is on Tuesday. Isn't this rain awful! Ty is starting to stand at the door and say, "Are you kidding me!" He is getting used to the drying process after our walk. I am waiting for this rain to stop before the next bath. He does like his bath and just sits quietly. Loves brushing too. We are off to his puppy class again tomorrow. Great to hear from everyone.


May 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJulie


I take Truffie out in the pouring rain. He survives better than I. I learned after Shoshi who used to lift her paws and go ewww every time it was wet outside so I started putting her in the middle of the grass and she complained profusely but now she doesn't mind - I DO! I am tired of this rain.

Treasure was her full height and weight at 8 months. Kat was slower than ever. I have a feeling Ty takes after Treasure. Besides, they are what they are and who cares what size they are. Risa is no trim thing but she is a grand dam for sure!

Let us know how puppy class goes, please. Ask them to teach you a proper meet and greet.

May 18, 2011 | Registered CommenterDarlah

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