Tug of War

Spice loves to play tug of war with the puppies.
It's delightful watching them play up a storm. I can't believe its their last week here with the Truffled one hanging around to watch and see for a bit.
We have been going through the insanity of heats and boys and yeah we are expecting pups will debut sometime in late June, going home 1st week of September.
I am determined to teach this crew how to swim. Now will that be fun or what?
It's hard negotiating dogs when heats occur.
I sure wish I was outside today but instead Nathan was outside with puppy people though he shouldn't have been as I had to get his a new perscription for that eye and now he has crawled back into bed. Me, I was inside negotiating who can go out when due to heats.
Poor Nathan is in bed again and dowbn for the count. Silly of him to think he was up to it. But he is who he is. Hope everyone enjoyed. I feel like I missed out and finally I got what someone said about my hair. hahahaha Yeah, I need a groomer too.
Reader Comments (2)
We have had a busy weekend and got on your updates after a couple of days, which is not usual for us, as we are usually on it at least a couple of times a day...and oh my Darlah what a day you had yesterday, honestly what a day from $%^* you know what that stands for, as not sure I can spell "bad" words on your post! I cannot believe the frustration you would have felt, OMG! The best thing of your day is knowing when you got home you had lots of love from the puppies, crew, Nathan and son! And believe us we felt so bad for you and Nathan. We are so sorry to hear he has had a relapse, that is really not good news.
How exciting there are new puppies possibly being born in June, new siblings to our little loves!
Breeze and Chinook send lots of "kisses' to all of you!
The best part of my day was actually getting home. I am just glad I wasn't out in lower slabovia. Van is back after a grand and a bit more. Add the tow charges in and oh my!
I can't believe Fiona's pups are going home starting in 5 days - oh my. Hope you all have been well. Miss chatting.