Spicy in Crate

We had Spicy, Fiona, and 6 pups in a crate at the vets today and they all fit with plenty of room. I just love this crate for all of them together but I wish I had a smaller one for just the pups. One day...
Spicy went to the vets to have her rabies shot. She was great. We waited to avoid any reaction and it worked doing it at the same time as the rest.
We have had a very long day and it hasn't even come close to ending so I will make this short.
We went, we survived and we are back. hahahaha
More tomorrow.
Reader Comments (3)
Hello Darlah, Nathan,
You folks do so much for all of the pups. We the future moms and pops for these puppies all benefit from all your care and conditioning. We can not begin to thank you
for all your efforts.
We truly appreciate all the energy and devotion that you give to all the different
litters. We would like to thank you now for all of your efforts to get these new pups
on thier way to a new, happy and healthy life.
We truly appeciate all your efforts.
Thank you.
Kathy & Jack
Kona's new 'parents'.
I am not sure how anyone can do anything less. They deserve it and as we go along we learn and adjust and mix things up. It's the 1st to the last child syndrome. The first one you go, oh boy what am I in for and then it gets easier and you learn, you adjust and the ones that follow get that benefit. It's a lot of work but we adore the pups truly. Can they stay puppies always? We appreciate the comments.
Well said Kathy!!! I second that emotion and would like to add a great big THANKS for all you've done to give these darling little creatures such a fabulous beginning.