Sophie Liking Her New Digs

We have been hearing from Sophie's mom and it's wonderful.
Karen wrote:
She's a lot of fun and she's very curious. It's so cute to watch her explore. Her new favorite place is the lower shelf on my living room coffee table. I still have to catch her with the camera. She's a hoot when she tries to empty her toy box and she's loving the little Terrabones I bought for her at Global Pet Food. She's finally figured out how to lie on the floor and hold it up with her front paws to chew. Mind you, one will last her for weeks!!
Me again:
I have to look for these Terrabones. I love it when someone tells me what works for them then I get to try them. Thnx!!
Gad Sophie is so cute!
Reader Comments (2)
And even though she's home now, I still check the blog every night. I can't go to sleep until I hear how everyone's doing. Thanks for sharing her picture and the update.
Sophie had a great time outside today, and so did I. She's doing well walking on the leash but she's not a fan of the collar when we're indoors.
She is such a love.......and oh my, she LOVES to cuddle! She crawls up onto my chest and either snuggles in under my chin or stretches out over my shoulder. My heart does flips!!
You shopuld only leave the collar on when you are conditioning her to it or you are going out. We never use collars when they are hanging out at home but we also have a gate across the front door so they can't run out. I find the collars will make their neck hair knot unless you get one that has satin in the inside and even then...
Great of you to get her out on a lead. Some embrace it, others take it as an invitation to do the bucking bronco thing. :-) But they all figure out that eventually it means we are off to fun. Give her a hug for me please.