Class & Socialization

Classes are important. They teach heel, down, stay, recall etc but they also offer conditioning in a safe way to a variety of dogs. This is very important.
We had a bad drive into the class last night. There was a lot of quick stops due to people not being able to deal with snow and drive at the same time. So, Spice started shaking showing some concern when she was getting thrown around a tad. When things got smoother, she stopped shaking. That was the depth of her display of concern. Eventually she will be able to deal with that too.
But when she got upstairs at class, she looked around and went oh, this is the place I get TREATS and I have to do all those crazy things with daddy and mommy takes photos of me and then there is Frannie. Well, she came in with enthusiasm. Big dogs, littler but still bigger than her, she greeted them all. Their over enthusiasm didn't bother her a bit. It's funny what doesn't bother them and what does.
Then there were moments where Frannie ran to play with Spice and found her more interesting than anything else.
Spice never did the same as if she knew Frannie would come to her. What does that say about their personalities?
But Frannie is doing rather well learning her commands and her mom says she does so great in the store - she's calm - just gets crazy when she sees other dogs as she wants to play. Can you blame her?
We learned down, perfected a finish, staying, sit, recall and for us if Spice is going to get shown, she has to learn to look ahead vs always up to dad for the treats. I think treating during doesn't work. But we shall see.
As you can see, Spicy's hairdo didn't stay clean long. She looks like a disheveled cutie but that's a pup and that's okay!
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