Interesting Read

Take a look at this article and tell me what you think. Click here. Then look at this one.
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.
The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!
Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.
Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.
Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway!
Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.
Take a look at this article and tell me what you think. Click here. Then look at this one.
Reader Comments (5)
Read both articles. I agree with most of the information.
I do not plan to have Kona vacinated for Rabies again this year. The wo or three
year interval is fine. I also do not think that multiple vacines should be given during
one visit.
It is good food for thought. When the pups get sore from the 4 shot vs. not getting sore from the 2 it sort of speaks volumes. We still do the 4 as it is needed.
It is difficult, but regardless of the profession as consumers we should always do our best to educate ourselves, ask questions, do our due diligence and make the best decision we can. Our vet does not vacinate annually for rabies and perhaps we have been lucky as the dogs rarely have any side effects from the vaccines they receive. With the dogs in classes and participating in agility I have them vaccinated for Kennel cough. Knock on wood so far this year we have had no issues, but just last night I listened to several people mention their dogs are dealing with KC. Perhaps I'm old school but the ounce of prevention may still be worth the pound of cure.
If we research on Dr. Jean Dodds' vaccination schedule, it gives the same suggestion.
I went to Jeab Dodds seminar but she never covered 2 combo one week then 2 combo next cycle. The issue is parvo is mighty necessary. We had a breeder that got one of our pups and died after her sitter took the pup to the park. Parvo can be mighty deadly and there is a cycle that must be adhered to to protect against parvo. I also attended a vaccination seminar for vets and it was interesting to know if you got the 2nd set of shots and waited 2 months vs. 1 month then protection is iffy. It's something I care very much about but I do not think overmedicated your dogs can be good for them. As Hean Dodds and all her studies she has done says it can actually trigger immune issues that wouldn't occur when you aren't bombarding the body. It's the old scare mentality and figuring out what is best.