Shoshi Cleaned Up

Shoshi was unabled to be clean due to her surgery until she was healed. She was needing a bath at that time so you can imagine the condition she was in.
Sure I brushed and combed her but dirty hair simply mats by touch so when I washed I had to take the thinning shears and cut into those spots and pull it apart. It took me 2 hours to do her but I am particular about finding anything and I want to be careful not to hurt her when pulling a mat apart. It's rare we get any as I do brush and clean them up all the time but this was special circumstances.
I am telling you this cause with hair like Shoshi's you can cut into the knot with thinning shears and pull the knot apart and not see it.
She may have the coat from hell but it's also easy to cut into it and not see where you did as she has that electrified look - paw in the socket look. Her hair has taught me so many techniques on how to demat or coat a cuticle etc.
Them after using a tightly tined comb I went through her emtire coat making sure I didn't miss a thing. I cleaned her pads, her tummy, her ears and them she went out in the rain and came in as a mud ball.
They all came in as a mud ball. I can't win....
Reader Comments (2)
Oh Darlah, I do feel for you after all your hard work to see them come back as mudballs ... to be somewhat expected I know as they are dogs.. My girls love to run for the grass, leaves anything after a bath.. Your writing style always brings a smile to my face. I love the descriptor of paw in the socket LOL. Good to hear that Shoshi is on the mend too.
I looked at mud up to the neck Logan and shook my head and then Shoshi after all that cleaning smiling mudball that she was... How can you get mad at that? Then Treasure's pups were an absolute mess and on and on. It was a busy day of hosing.