Class and Socializing

It was fun to finally get out and see the class. We missed Susan and Illan but I am hoping to see them next week.
The crew has some practicing to do. They are all doing quite well but homework is important to accomplish and so is that scavenger list. Are you filling it out?
You may think, okay its just work but what you are doing is building a base of bonding, confidence and much more. Plus the scavenger list exposes them to all sorts of things. We fear what we do not know and that's true of the dawgs too.
Even if yours is sitting solidly or staying solidly, expand the space and length of time to see how they do. Practice on walks but keep the sessions short - 10 minutes at a time.
To this day we can give a hand signal and Shoshi will go immediately into a down position.
It's nice to know all that hard work pays off. They are only wee ones once in their lives and you are working on getting them to be marvelous adults. It's a fun ride!
Photos are coming later.
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