Risa Overlooking

Risa was trying to manage the little ones tonight reminding them not to jump in her face.
How did she? She had words with them each time they fell on her or close to her.
Risa wouldn't hurt a fly but its funny watching her manage the crew. She even held Jenkins in place.
Once the queen always the queen.
Reader Comments (4)
Wishing you all at Talemaker a Happy Thanksgiving weekend! We as always are thankful for you Nathan and Darlah for letting us have Breeze and Chinook in our lives. As you know they bring us so much joy and once again this weekend couldn't have been better weather at the beach and the dynamic duo just have had a blast, and so have we!
Shelley/Al/Breeze and that stormy guy Chinook... may your Thanksgiving be a wonderful one!! Don't eat too much like we did yesterday or have purple mashed potatoes like we did. Nathan bought purple potatoes and I left the skin on and yuck the colour. If I could close my eyes the potatoes were good but that colour... I can't even give them to the dogs for leftovers.
Haha, that is hilarious, purple potatoes, that would be quite the conversation piece at dinner!
We are having our dinner today and having the boring white mashed potatoes!
Hope you are enjoying another lovely day!
Yeah purple was quite something else. It took me a bit of time to think about digesting it. I ate less due to it. So funny what a visual can do. Hope you really enjoy your dinner today. WE had sandwiches from leftovers that I made for everyone. With the cool weather coming maybe soup. All the dogs had a small piece of turkey cut up. They deserve the holiday too. hahahaha