The Mommy Connection

Wet Day - Risa, Wasabi, BissliWhen Bissli eats his dinner he will growl under his breath to tell all others not to sneak his food. This is normal behavior in a pack. It's not an attack. It's a warning - not to - I don't want you to etc. You have to learn the difference. It's okay to say, please do not take mine - you already had yours.
But interesting enough, when Bissli has Momma Wasabi around, he will gladly give up his meal for her. We do not allow it but there is something truly special between them. I find the relationships with the Havanese to be complicated but quite beautiful. If you take the time to really watch and I mean really watch, you will notice special little signs of affection between certain dawgs. The relationships are beautiful. It's hard to imagine that life creates so many changes.
Sadie and Bissli heads out tomorrow. They will be missed greatly. Raylan, Sadie and Bissli play up a storm. It's becoming very quiet around here. The red bear pup thinks he is part of the big guys. He's been bought by someone in England - oh my!
The picnic was fun but I am missing a stick. What does that mean? I am missing a lot of photos with dawgs we brought and dawgs that others brought. I am hoping others can fill those in or I find that stick. Check out the photos that I did manage to find. Sorry - not many of the dawgs we brought - sigh.
I feel as if I am destined to be missing something. How sad...
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