Havanese Picnic

We went to the annual Havanese picnic. This year it was held at Yvonne's house. People came as far as Montreal with yummy bagels in hand. Thank you, Lillian.
We got to see Majik, Oreo, missed Sebastian it seems (sigh), Tiger Lily, Ripley, Daisy, Abu, Mojo, Lexi, Basil, Ali, Lola, Downsey and on and on and on.
We got back late but not too late as Teddy had to go home <sigh>.
No time for photos and tomorrow may be bad to resize as we have 2 pups going home but by Monday look for them.
Let's just say Bea's dip was yummy! I want the recipe. I also want the address of the ribs, Linda.
The weather stayed till 4pm when the skies opened up and Alex was walking people to the cars with an umbrella in hand. Nathan got 2 inches away from Alex's car and ooops is it insurance time? hahaha
It was fun. The dawgs were wonderful and it was bitter sweet for me knowing that I may not see some of them for a bit.
Nathan had a slew of dawgs following him around. They adore him but I can understand why the dawgs do.
I will leave you with this photo taken at the picnic. Now what do you suppose they were looking at?
More in a day or two.
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