Older Dawg Time

Just because there are puppies in the house doesn't mean that the rest of the crew does without.
They go on walks daily - play games - play with the puppies - get pool time if they desire and play that run like hell game with each other.
The crew - all gets groomed daily. We spread baths out so it's not a marathon but depending on who is going home and who needs it - its who gets the bath but all get ears checked, nails checked, brush and a comb out and a clean up around the eyes. I even manage to give them a mini massage. Those that can't relax - well they get a tad more than a mini. I want them to enjoy the grooming.
Then at bedtime we do silly games in the bed and then go to sleep. Sounds rather counter productive playing the silly games in bed but really - it tuckers them out - they have a rip roaring time and then they sleep.
Human Daddy is off to Chicago tomorrow. He won't be back till late Sunday.
Lucy goes home on Thursday - gad will we miss her playfulness. Fred - well he is fitting in really well once he figured out this crazy crew was totally friendly.
Well - off to get things ready for Nathan to go travelling and get some work done. Pups are snookered after our play session in the kitchen. Looks like rain is coming.
If the weather cooperates, Yvonen and crew are coming for a visit and that ought to be a blast.
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