Puppies and the Pack

The puppies are really getting scrumptious to watch and love.
They are at the stage where you go - oh my gad - you did THAT?
This was one of those moments I captured - where he was on two back legs trying to get the attention of the rest of the crew.
It's amazing what you can capture from a good camera. My camera is heading to Chicago come Wednesday though so you'll have to put up with what I can get from Nathan's. :-) It's not THAT bad.
The puppies get along with everyone here including the visitors. I rather enjoy that.
This week we have Lucy - who goes home on Thursday morning and Fred who is here till the 26th and then Max comes to visit us on the 3rd and Jay Jay on the 4th. It's a crazy dawg house and we love it.
The human mom will be without the human dad till late Sunday night so we are having a party - not. :-)
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