Havanese Snow Fun in April

Oh best friends in the snow - nothing like it.
Don't ever ask me if two is better than one unless you want to hear grand stories of play and laughter and fun. In my opinion, there is nothing like 2 Havanese or more especially if they become the best of pals. It's a relationship like none other.
Today we woke up to snow and despite me washing them yesterday, they were a sopping wet ball of hair after going outside but I was smiling and laughing and clicking away.
Treasure, as the youngest one tries to keep up with the crew and takes corners at such speed that she manages to catch them at times but it means cutting corners fast as she has yet to get that adult speed yet.
One would think she was falling in this photo but in reality she is close to the ground for a reason as it enables her to gain speed. How they know this, I am not sure but they all perfect the run and it's really grand to watch.
They gain enough speed that they appear to be flying in the air and they are. Oh, to capture those moments - well these are what tales are really about around this place.
Tomorrow Milo will join the fun and we are hoping for snow not rain. How about you?
Get your camera out - head outside and click, click, and click. You will be glad you did.
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