Pack Leader: Havanese

Treasure and her sticks - oh my - spring begins and will my garden ever survive?
Here's an interesting philosophy of being the pack leader. Some believe that you need to calm your dogs, walk in front - not allow them to play or jump or act crazy on a walk. We tend to control the walk but we also allow them to enjoy. So - who really is in charge?
If you have a dog trying to pull and do everything they want but not what you want - try this.
If your dog is pulling or acting out while you are walking, stop and just stand there calmly till they calm down. That first walk may take a long time especially if you have to keep standing there till they calm down but eventually they will 'get' that if they want to go anywhere, they must do so in a calm and relaxed state. Why do it this way? It beats struggling with them and by leaving the frustration behind you, you convey to your Havanese what you expect and it puts you in charge - as it should be. I am not saying don't allow them to sniff but do so when you want - when you have the time.
Back to stick eating Talemaker Havanese style - and how do we stop that!!!!! heh
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