Shows, Oster Dryers & Conditioning

Fiona had a good weekend. She didn't start out liking the shows but she now sees the benefit of going and being the only one. She used to not like the noises but with slow conditioning - she's past that.
We came home today and fell fast asleep - well I did. Will I sleep tonight - who knows but I was WIPED! Shows are very tiring.
I also bought an Oster dryer tabletop from Rens and the prices went up $45 but we got it for the price we ordered it from when we pointed out it was still on the site at the cheaper price. I would have said forget it and tried to get it elsewhere though they toted they are going up everywhere as Oster increased the prices - cute in this economy.
Look at Fiona's face - now she's happy in the ring and that's the only way we would do this. Our dogs - well how they feel matters.
Wasabi is also in heat so we are crossing our fingers we will have puppies this summer. We are hopeful!
So, next week when I am doing two dogs - ooops this week for the show - well I will be drying 2 sides at once.
It seems my boarding $$ goes to helping the dawgs one way or another and helping me but any dog likes to be finished faster when it comes to drying and now they can be. I am jazzed!!!
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