Getting Ready for the Show

It's tough being a show dog. It's wet and mucky outside and Fiona has a show tomorrow so on a lead she must go if she has to go out to do her duty, waterproof jacket and booties. Not fun but the reality and it's supposed to be like this all weekend - joy - not.
Can you hear her - Mommy - I just want to play but Fiona is starting to really like the shows. She gets her Daddy time and she rather likes it. Plus after Sunday, she wil be back to playing like a banshee.
Most 'specials' which she is not is kept in this mode always. We can't do that as I want that play more than the show so we seek balance.
The noises aren't bothering her so much anymore but this will be a new environment and not much time to adjust as we have to do setup. Good, bad - whatever it is.
Fiona did a bit of practicing with Daddy today as she usually does and now she is vegging in Daddy's office.
Is it tomorrow yet?
We have visitors and we promise by Monday we will do a slideshow of the crew if the muck doesn't get them. More later.>>
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