Bathing Woes of the Havanese

Well Daddy said I smelt dingy smelly dirty. It must be all the mucking around that I do in the backyard. A gal has to do what a gal has to do.
So Mommy had to give me that B word. You don't know what that was? Well, it's a B-A-T-H and it's a mighty dirty word.
Well, Daddy was kind enough to buy Mommy a Groomer's Helper so she can leave her hands free and I don't do the struggle on the drying. Am I not going to play the wriggle game with Mommy? How will I ever survive?
While Mommy was at it she bathed Fiona much to her disgust. Now Mommy can stop apologizing for me looking so dirty. hahahaha
Well, we have another handling class somewhere out in lower slabovia - a drive away that makes Mommy get the GPS thang going. We hope we can find it and we have more large dogs to get conditioned to.
I try to play with dogs - these great big huge things and sometimes they growl at me so I growl back. Mommy says I need to learn my manners - whatever THAT is. It's okay. I figure it's a new game they are playing but Mommy whispers something about doggie communications. Gad - if she only knew what those doggies were really saying. Oh yeah - she can read their body language but I am a d-a-w-g and I know best! See you at class!
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