Dark Secrets of the Havanese People

Okay, how many of you have Havanese that try to follow you into the bathroom? How many of you let them in?
How does that work when you have multiple Havanese and why would they want to come in there with you?
The Havanese are known as being Velcro dogs but every now and then, you get one that isn't - an independent soul.
Our Wasabi and Risa look at you going into the bathroom and could care less unless you have a smelly pocket that used to have treats in it then Risa would come in.
Well, as you can see from Miss Abigail, in this photo, the crew has made a secret pathway behind the pool house. We didn't dig the area out but I suspect that Terra (a golden) plowed through it and the rest patted down the snow. The pack has learned to utilize Terra's talents. No place is sacred - not even under the deck. But if they head under the deck without you - doesn't it make them independent? Not necessarily but it does make them adventurous souls and that's okay.
Some of us like Velcro dogs and invite them into the bathroom - and some of us say - are you kidding - is nothing sacred. Well that's okay too and rules, boundaries is something a dog thrives on but we all have our own thing as long as it doesn't interfere with their well being or escalate - a few quirky guidelines from us humans it can't be a bad thing or can it?
We all know that a small dog jumping up pawing at you can be seen as cute but not when they get into the habit. But habits can be broken and we control that. It's easier when it's a large breed dog as when they do it when they are little it too can be funny but when they grow in size, it can be downright dangerous but not true of a small dog. Still, manners are a good thing. So, stop the jumping up on you or it may escalate into pawing and scratching at you and then when it is summer and you have bare legs - well let's say, it won't be fun then.
Think long term when deciding what you want your dog to do. They can be taught an amazing amount of things if you invest the time.
But who has the time? Let's talk about how one gets into training and keeps at it instead of playing procrastinator. You dog thrives with learning new things and training can be part of the walk, play - 5 minutes here and there and put that into your daily routine and then look at it after a month and see how much you have progressed - 5 - 10 minutes a day can make a world of difference. Give it a try. You will be glad you did.
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