Quiet Times at Talemaker Havanese

It's getting quiet around here. We are down to 1 extra dog and come a week from Monday - we will be down to just our own. How will we ever get by. ROFL
Treasure went out and visited Jazzy today and we heard that this went rather well. Treasure is starting her socialization process. Perhaps we will take her out to a dog store tomorrow to get more exposure. It's really important to do slow exposures like this and not to coddle - just praise when they relax. They will soon get that relaxing is a positive thing. Seems Treasure has that part figured out thus far without but that doesn't mean you stop the socialization.
We didn't get much sleep last night so guess what went out the window? Most of Treasure's training such as heeling. The thing about training is it is important to do it daily but sometimes life gets in the way.
I am also back to doing Tony Horton's P90x yet again and the dogs are joining me and Treasure thinks this jumping around is an opportunity to jump with me, on me and bark. yikes. So, we are trying to get that curbed.
Will Sunday be a skip day or first week down. Tomorrow will tell. Maybe I will do doggie yoga with Treasure. If so, I will try to do it late enough so Nathan can take photos to show you how you can exercise and have fun with the dawgs!
More tomorrow!
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