Last Havanese Summer Moments

The last bit of warm sun is upon us and soon the pool will be closed but Nathan and crew couldn't help but capture those last stolen moments.
The sun was warm. The company was good - us and the dogs - me on camera - Nathan running around getting them excited - doesn't take much.
Well, it was a warm day and even the pool was semi-warm enough. It surely didn't bother Katsuro.
Kat's going to miss the pool. We are too. It wasn't much of a summer this year. I think it will be forever known as the summer that wasn't.
Fiona couldn't help herself. Every time that Kat went to get out of the pool, she did her intimidation thing. It's not that he listens - as he doesn't. But she just has to try.
I can just hear that brain of hers going - stay in the pool - this area is ALL Mine - don't you know?
The dogs had a blast. I think Nathan did as well. Me - well I did baths afterwards so the night was a blur. Too many dogs - too little time. hahahaha
Nah - not as bad as I sound - just last night was a comedy of errors with many things happening that added to my NO TV time.
Well, daddy is hugely busy today so we may or may not have another pool day. We shall see but we have a very busy weekend. Richmond Green has a dog event on and we will be attending that. We are also have guests over including Yvonne and crew on Sunday and on Saturday we are visiting a Wasabi pup's house.
Crazy dawg and human weekend - I tell ya.
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