Abigail Attends Handling Class

Abigail and I attended our first Handling class together last night. She becomes eligible to be shown in the middle of April. I was hoping to get her ready for her first show in about a month. That remains to be seen but we did not get off to a great start and of course I blame myself. Abigail is magnificent in every way.
We pulled into the parking lot at handling class and exited the car. I had her in my arms as the parking lot was quite muddy. We walked around the car we had parked beside and came face to face with a beautiful Great Dane. That was a little much for her.
Keep in mind she's in my arms and this Dane, standing on all fours, is looking her in the eye. Oh oh, I thought to myself but it was ok.
We continued on into the community center and she slowly relaxed. She is not generally intimidated by anyone and she proved it not much later when a Beardie pup came over to play.
At over 8 months the Beardie pup was easily 4 or 5 times the size of Abigail and playful as all pups. This particular Beardie was raised with a litter of Havanese. So naturally she came over to play.
Abigail put up with it for a minute, being quite familiar with Yvonne's Beardie, then snapped at the Beardie puppy and growled in her face. The Beardie hit the floor, backing off completely. She tried again a few minutes later and a low growl backed her off again. Abigail really was not intimidated by any of the other dogs although she was leery of the Dane.
There was another Havanese in the class, Apple, one of Yvonne's that we'd not seen since she was a small pup. Abigail greeted her properly but in Handling Class we are supposed to focus on our dog and ignore everyone else's.
I also knew the instructor, Julie, a Beardie Breeder (we were surrounded by Beardies) and a few of the dogs there. Should be fine, I hoped. Nope, Abigail decided she didn't feel like walking around and refused to heel, period. They asked me if she'd ever been on a leash before. I sighed, quietly, inside.
As many of you know that follow the Talemaker Havanese Adventures, I tend to walk them daily. Abigail has been on 50 walks, always on leash AND she's a graduate of Obedience class where she learned to sit, stay, come, down, HEEL etc.
Her and I walk daily. She just decided that she wasn't interested in walking down this path this evening and refused to move unless I was heading for my coat hanging on the back of a chair near the door, or the exit. She didn't want to sit, she wanted to lie down.
Keep in mind in Handling Class the dogs must stand throughout. No sitting in Conformation.
Darlah wasn't there to film it or you'd be laughing at my antics, down on my hands and knees, one hand under her bum, the other under her neck trying to get her to stand, tail in the air, head up, encouraging her for all I'm worth, rewarding her at the littlest hint of forward progress. Same with heeling.
Keep in mind this same little girl knows how to heel perfectly, has done it every day for months. Not yesterday. I couldn't coax her, I couldn't make silly sounds and movements to encourage her, I couldn't outright bribe her with treats. Nothing worked. As soon as I let her go, she went into the down position. An hour later it was time to go.
Stay tuned for the further adventures of Abigail the Magnificent One and her idiot Handler.
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