Dog Shows & Havanese

We finally got the photos from the show vs. the one I took and the judge was eating when we were there to take it and we really didn't want to bother him so they promised to Photoshop him in but then for some reason they couldn't.
I am posting this to let you know about the magic of photos these days though I prefer them untouched.
We are off to a dog show this weekend not to be in it but to watch and have fun.
As you can see or maybe you haven't noticed but by putting Fiona's hair back daily, I am trying to train it to go back. It is going back and staying back longer but it's not all there yet. This photo was taken rushed - no brush and after the show so considering that - the junkyard dawg looked decent.
Do you have a junkyard dawg? What is one, you ask. Well - a dawg who likes to muck it up. You brush them and 2 minutes later they look like a hurricane came through blowing everything and anything on them. That's out Fiona. It may be frustrating when you need to show her but you have to enjoy such a personality. It's a mind that is always ticking.
If you have a dawg like that - you need to cultivate it as boredom is not good for this type.
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