In the Dog House Havanese Style

There's that tongue again sticking it out daring any dog to come close enough so she can pounce and play her heart out. The problem with Treasure having a rip roaring grand time with the puppies here (Oreo, Rufus, Fiona, Abigail, Benny) is she only wants them so we make sure she has some down time.
Treasure is an absolute nut case at times. She pounces, hides, attacks and takes on 3 dogs at once. She's small - though that tummy is not but that surely doesn't stop her.
It's going to be sad for her when the last puppy goes home on the 31st and Louis who comes tomorrow also goes then. Benny will be here till the 4th and then we start training the little munchkin as we will be down to our own pack.
Oreo and Benny was a tad overwhelmed with the crew and they have loosened up quite a bit where Oreo has come into his own. It takes a day or two at times to get your bearings and that's a GOOD thing as they learn new skills. We do it in such a way to make them feel secure and get to where they need to. We think Oreo has done just that as he is now a ball of - can't get enough of this play' dawg. It's a riot to watch and Benny is playing one on one with various dogs and enjoying his moments. That's what it is all about and Rufus - well he came in not needing to get his bearings - and that's unusual. No right or wrong - we are all just different and we are what we experience. It's like going to a party and you don't know a soul. Some wing it and others have to get their bearings.
If you celebrate Christmas - I hope you got everything you wanted and if not, take a breath - look at your fur kids and realize you did.
To a very enjoyable day. We - well I will be brushing dogs as they have mats and knots from yesterdays wet experience and it may take me half the day but I will do it watching the TV and spending one on one time with all.
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