Snow Queen Havanese Ritual

Momma said there'd be days like this - there'd be days like this, my Momma said! That song keeps going through my head when I look at this photo of Wasabi - the snow Queen. ROFL
One would think she is never groomed but you get her all pretty and she scrunches her head in the snow in revolt, I suppose. There is a way she thinks she should look and it's completely different than I imagine. But we allow our dawgs to be dawgs around here. It's all about the fun - not the stylin' factor.
Wasabi had to try 2 times to get up on the couch. I guess she forgot she is carrying precious cargo in that tummy of hers.
WE are off today to have a sleepover at Beth's and pick up our treasured Treasure and her sidekick at the moment, Blazin'. Blazin will be heading south after the weekend with his new owner Holly from Florida. We also get to see her crew and that little black guy with colouring on his legs that is still available. I promise I will get photos.
Blazin' is also destined to be in the show ring. Maybe we may see him and Treasure in next year's specialty. Time will tell.
More tomorrow night after we arrive home with the duo.
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