Training Class, Sleepovers & WHAT!

Dear old Abigail already ate and here she thought she could just edge herself in without Wasabi even noticing. When that didn't work, she tried Shoshi and then Risa and Risa said no one eats my meal except ME!
This is Miss Abs first class and she is looking forward to seeing her half siblings in class - sassy lasy and Mr. C-Bass as he is called.
It's already starting out fun. We couldn't find the lead we usually use so had to find something else. We aren't packed totally yet not are dishes cleaned and mommy is sitting in her PJ's. Oh my - and we are late.
Miss Abs now decided that if you do not listen IMMEDIATELY, she will bark to get your attention. Things like - bark, bark I want to go out now - so what if its the 40th time in this last hour. HAHAHA and Katsuro adores that she is doing it as he is getting away with the in and out. We need a doggie door, for sure. Still, we like to go out to see what they are doing and if their tummies are alright but can't wait till it gets warmer.
After our class and sleepover - Sunday night we will fill you in on al the antics. Till then....Mommy has to get her act together NOW!
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