Mischevious Havanese

Sassy: it's all about the game type, missy - chievious personality, intelligent, balanced, caring, special heart, quick thinker, likes the game - whatever games she creates and is now 4 lbs 15 oz. She loves to eat too.
Now if she wasn't going to the people she is, well I think she would never be going ANYWHERE.
There are times after all the fun and games, the dogs just conk out and sit next to you and all is right in the world. This was one of those moments yesterday. Here you can see Maggie - the mom of Yvonne's latest litter who happens to be our very own Risa's daughter, Sassy and Flora Dora - well Flora from Lola's litter - Yvonne's litter just before this one who happens to have Wasabi's brother as the sire. No wonder they look similar.
Oh, Havanese can be quite amusing. Our adult dogs minus Katsuro who had his topknot/ponytail gnawed out of him by another dog - well they wear hair ties to hold the hair away from the eyes. Typically, Sassy now has a hair tie or two in her mouth from Wasabi's head or Shoshi's that we have to take away from her.
We have to catch her in the act as it is way cute but a no no when you have a show dog that is the recipient of such antics.
As time goes on, Sassy has been learning how to effectively communicate with the other dogs, get the best of them if she can help it by playing these fun games and she delights in them. We are going to miss such spirit around here but she's like her mom so the new owners are going to have a life of interesting times woven with much fun and personally - well that's what makes Havanese so special. This litter - well I must have done something right to have them in our lives.
More later after Sebastian comes.>>
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