Power of Havanese Dogs

It never ceases to amaze me that no matter how down you are, the dogs make you laugh and at the very least smile.
Wasabi was running like a banshee up on the bench, to the couch, to the floor and back again playing with Sassy - always teaching her. I do believe Wasabi is most of all she can be when she is in this mode. She adores the pups - hers - others and she loves teaching. She has patience - something I need to learn at times.
We had 2 things that happened that surprised me. Wasabi tends to be a submissive and bows to Risa's wants/desires but she is starting to say enough of that, Risa - and she does it in a positive way but then yesterday, we had bones and Sassy took Terra's out of her mouth and then took Wasabi's out of her mouth in such a way that the 2 adult dogs had no clue what the mischievous thang did. I did laugh to myself and I corrected and Wasabi looked at me as if to say, thank you for helping rein this 'I am all that attitude' in. She's certainly a dog with a personality that you adore. She's got spunk, attitude and a lovey heart that doesn't stop. We can't wait till Sebastian gets here and gets her back to realizing she's not the only star around here.
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