T.G.I.F. & Anticipation City!

What can I say - T.G.I.F. Tomorrow I get to go see Yvonne's pups or shall I say Lola's as Maggie has a huge secret, read her post here. Mommy and daddy said they would take lots of photos to upload.
Then tomorrow night, if I am plain lucky, maybe I will get to go see Danielle for her b-day. That's mommy and daddy's grandchild and she is full of jumping beans and just loves the puppies so she is alright by me.
The sun is shining. I jumped in and went swimming. This paddling around is addicting. Now if dear old Opal didn't show me how to rub up against the bushes and roll in the dirt while I am wet, mommy may not need to bathe me. Tsk Tsk mommy says - Opal just had to show you how to have fun rolling around in the muck. Then Katsuro runs and jumps way up in the air and does a splat belly flop but it didn't seem to bother him. He kept jumping way before daddy came in. Then mommy tried to dive but that gal needs some practice. Then Risa came in and Terra jumped - not walked in - you go Terra. Wow, the Potechins are swimming - just in time for the pool to close.
Mommy finished the whelping room so now all the extra junk is out of it. Risa gets a room with baseball bats and I get a room all spiffied up. Now who counts more? Shh! Risa is listening. We do not want to upset the queen. (hahahaha)
Every day now I go in and smell the whelping box. I remember Risa's pups and I adored teasing them - oops playing with them. Did I tease them - nah. I just went in and got them woken up to raise a ruckus so Risa had to go in and check. I did it so much that when they were almost ready to go home, Risa knew it was me and ignored it. I just adore the little ones.
Well, I see my dear friend Maggie posted so be sure to read her hot news! She doesn't know what she is in for. Are we going to have an exciting winter or what!
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