Wasabi's First Adventure in Motherhood

Well, we recently found out that Sonrisas' Hot N Spicy Wasabi is pregnant for the first time. It's so exciting. Wasabi is a Canadian championship. The sire is R'Gang's Buster At Rockhurst who is an American and Canadian champion.
You can see the beautiful dam here with one of her pack mate's Risa's pups. She's going to make such a great mom. She played with Risa's and tried to take care of them throughout. We would even catch her in spying on them in the middle of the night.
Such exciting times.
Wasabi is having morning sickness, not acting her usual playful self.
We set up the whelping box and Wasabi jumped in and we wondered if she thought Risa was going to have more pups but this is her turn and we know she is going to love it.
Wasabi is due mid October so she is now more than halfway through her pregnancy.
Be sure to follow this blog to see Wasabi's exciting first time into motherhood.
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