Havanese Tunnel Stylin'

Today we are hanging out in the tunnel and had 5 dogs - count them 5 in this tunnel. We just adore the flurry of activity that goes on with this thing. Here Sebastian is just sitting - posing right on top of Coach and Coach doesn't seem to mind a bit.
On the other side you have Chico and Remy and Sassy gal ran into the cube - the tunnel plowing right under them all. What fun they have with this fabric toy that can go into the wash and look fresh and new.
The crew was playing with Momma Wasabi and Katsuro and in a flash - after much back and forth wondering if he could do it, Coach was up on the couch after Katsuro. Oh my, two dogs that acquired that skill and that tells me how Chico got up on the couch the other day. I thought hmm climbed - had to be but no, jumped. Wow, what athletic abilities this crew has. I guess when you are motivated.
We didn't manage to catch him jumping but here Coach is on the couch playing without and appearing fearless.
We also heard from Rita that Tux is doing wonderfully and snuggled right up to her in bed the first night. Nice and no accidents. He's a smart one and glad he is adapting so well. We figure in a month or so, he may be giving Minnie a run for her money and having a grand time as the best of pals. It's hard for the pups to go for the humans here but great when you hear how they are adapting. We can't wait till our picnic when we gather them all together. Counting the days...
Well, we have visitors. This is Gidget watching the pups. She has cleaned them all, played and snuggled with them - nice to have her drop by.
Well human daddy will be adding more later.
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