Comfort Seeking Havanese

Well, another day gone by and already they are playing their little hearts out and Coach decided it was time for a nap. They do like the comfort of softness - I tell you.
The dogs will be getting fluffed and dried and smelling wonderful before they go home but in the meanwhile, with all this melting going on, well they are 'mucking it up' and getting that lived in look but despite the whiteness of their coat, they don't get dingy - just look at Coach in this photo and see what I mean - nice and their mom is like that too. She's got that lovely silky hair that seems to let it all glide off and that's a good thing seeing Wasabi likes to play 'catch me if you can' under the deck. heh
Yesterday we had them out of their xpen most of the day between play sessions and company coming (Linda with all her help - thnx) and Alex - well another guy that just adores the pups - nice - well they were busy.
This morning they were back out doing their duty and coming into play. Chico stood at the door to go out so he could do his duty. He's a good candidate for bell training as he sits and looks at the door and you have to see him but if you have a bell, he will tell you vocally.
They are really a smart crew and I do not say that lightly. They are fast sponges wanting, willing and fast on the uptake - ready to learn.
Our friend Yvonne just had a litter and they are right on schedule with Wasabi's - faster than usual to walk, climb etc. What's in that water lately?
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