Havanese First in Our House

Here's Chico Chillin' this morning and when we woke up this morning, human Nathan found him where? Chico was sitting on the couch in the whelping room - no this is not a short couch and he was looking down at his siblings that were trying to get to him and he couldn't figure out how to get down. This is the very first time we have had a pup climb up on the couch this early. Oh my - such amazing athletic abilities.
Our couch is attached on one side as the wall on one of our x-pens. We had it set up that way to enable Wasabi to jump in and jump out early on to feed her pups in the middle of the night. Not to worry, Chico's new owners - he will be fine in an x-pen with all walls vs one wall being a couch but now know he is capable of getting up on the couch but hasn't figured out how to get down yet.
All our Havanese sit on our couch with us so maybe he just figured - hmm I can do this. It's really unbelievable what this crew is capable of. They are amazingly agile but so is their Havanese mom who flows with grace and is faster than ever.
The crew also likes to pose whenever you get the camera out. Something about - hey - they are doing that thing again so let's strike a pose. This morning, Coach was a riot as he jumped straight up to the camera and I was laughing so hard, I couldn't catch him in mid-air. I swear, he knew and was having fun with it. I can't believe how high he can jump. I am amazed at their abilities - nice to see they have mommas genes in that regard. We will have to find out if the sire also is like that. Some are better than others but this crew is amazing.
What has become abundantly obvious is this crew LOVES - no adores the tunnels. Keep that in mind. More later....
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