Havanese Off Day

We had an off day last night. Not sure it it was going to bed too early, the youngest human son entertaining friends at 2 or was that 3am that woke up the house or the lack of Tux so just an adjustment but at 5am, the pups needed to get up, go out, do their business and come back in for a nap and now they are back again. Do realize that changes often create an interruption in their normal schedule but they will adjust and get back to it. Just play with them before bed and their usual is to sleep through the night.
With so little sleep, human mom took photos of them going outside and there was no memory stick in it. We had a dear friend that was supposed to come today and we put that off till tomorrow.
By the time I got a stick in, only the gal we call Sassy was outside running her fool head off and enjoying life. She's really a nice dog filled with enthusiasm - that extra something that reels you in and dangerous for us as we have a full house.
The crew just ran and ran in the backyard seeing it's not as cold as it has been. Watch out though, they love the sticks and plants these days as they are going through the - if it can fit in my mouth, it must be good stage. It means the teeth are still coming in and they are soothing their mouth. Teeth soothers, bones etc will help.
Here's a photo of Chico who is sitting in the tunnel after eating. As you can tell, he is in need of a bath as he rather enjoyed his food tremendously today. He's not getting a bath till he goes to his new home as you do not want to dry their skin out with too many baths so just to note on that in-between time, buy some Waterless Bath for that in-between time and it's as easy as spraying on and wiping off. I spray it on, comb it through and use a baby wipe to remove the excess. It's not their direction but it works for me and I found out how well it did when traveling and having a bum to clean up. It gets any odors off and keeps them looking fresh in-between. I believe Petsmart, Global etc. sells it.
Also, if you buy bathing tethers, its useful as it loosely goes around their neck, sticks to the base of your washing basin and frees up your arm when you are bathing. I know Petsmart sells them. It helps when giving a bath.
The crew is quite lively now and will eat chicken in dried kibble too and do so with love so that's good too if you want to just add some cooked chicken to their dry vs. the cans here and there.
By the way, I can't emphasize enough how much they adore tunnels, caves, anything to hide and play in. The cat department usually has such things but they literally will play for hours with our tunnels and now that they are out and about at times, they also hide under our Ottoman and jump out and play. It tells me how much they like the small spaces to hide and jump out of and even sleep in. We do have a crate that is wired and they like to sleep in it when they can see out. Keep that in mind when buying your crate.
More later...
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