More One on One Time With Pups

Teaching the puppies to sit seemed to come very easy to these little darlings. Tomorrow we are working on Puppies and Advanced Human Psychology or how to make your new owners sit up and beg!
As most of you know, we had five boys and a single girl in this litter. Naturally the girl is the feistiest of the lot and I love her personality. So, shhh, don't tell Darlah, I made a point of being so busy talking to all our possible new puppy owners about the boys that somehow the girl isn't going anywhere. I'm shocked. Somehow they all assumed the girl was taken. Go figure. Anyway, suddenly my wife noticed. I have orders to find our beautiful, intelligent sassy lassy a home. And I don't want to. So when I say pass the word, "serious enquiries from serious people only," I really mean it. :-) If you know someone interested in our beautiful little girl, please contact us directly.
Thank you.
Nathan (the little known other half of
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